Friday, February 27, 2009

Pretty, Pretty Roxie!

(click on pictures to make them larger)

This is a watercolor that was given to my by my Mother-in-Law and was painted by one of her friends. It's of my kitty Roxie, I miss her dearly, we had to re-home her. :( She just never adjusted well to being in a multi-cat home. She is now in a wonderful, one-cat home that loves her dearly, but I still miss her...

I LOOOOVED this picture of Doodle-Head (Roxie) but was never crazy about the mat and frame colors. I am SO OCD when it comes to things color coordinating! lol I have wanted to redo the mat for a while, but money has always played a factor.

Since I was re-working my craft room, I decided it was time to do something with this frame! I broke out a can of spray paint (there was barely enough to finish the frame my husband said lol) and my acrylic craft paint and went to town! I just CAREFULLY pulled the mat apart and painted it! I did use a sponge, so the matting texture would show through.

I LOVED the way it turned out! It looks more modern, which is me, and it TOTALLY brings out the green in her eyes which the artist captured SO perfectly! I couldn't be happier! I thought I would share...

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